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Dragon Supplies Field Trousers (New Crye knock off?)


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I'll preface this by saying I've never owned a set of Cryes, I had a set of Emerson knock offs once that I sold on, and I have no idea about the various generations or their costs.


But saw these pop up on Dragon Supplies and thought they might of interest to some as a cheaper alternative to the real deal.



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Bloody hell. If they're the cheaper option how much are cryes?

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16 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Bloody hell. If they're the cheaper option how much are cryes?

I'm not in the loop so probably cheaper than this second hand, and I'm not sure this is the best price, but £420 as far as I can see from a quick google. Saw some secondhand for £260 in kitpest that had sold. (https://www.uktactical.com/product/crye-precision-combat-pants-gen-3-multicam-11169)

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There’s subtle differences between what the RM and Rangers get (NSPA G4 don’t have the “Crye Precision” tape labels on the pockets) and the G4s issued elsewhere though, so there’s a difference in value.

Edited by Davet
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There's very little manufacture of tactical clothing in the UK and what there is is expensive, so I'd be very very curious where these are made. The 'G3' pads look exactly like typical chinese airsoft copies of the Crye pads. Not saying anything without evidence, but even though the trousers are just a G3 Combat pant knock-off with no R&D expenditure that price is still surprisingly low.

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