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Tm p90


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Hello chaps, so the other day I was rooting throught the loft a d came across some stuff that not been used in a while amongst it were a couple of aegs. One being a p90 (tm I believe) hooked up a battery and it still works. However I've tried to put some bbs through it and I don't shoot. But when it does dry fire and you can feel the burst of air coming out the barrel. Anybody got a idea of what could be wrong with it. Cheers guys 😊

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Well i managed to separate the  barrel which comes  out with the hop unit from the body and you're able to see down the barrel and there was no physical blockage in there, but I could have a look at the hop unit and see if that is as bad you suggest it is. 

Thanks guys 

  On 05/10/2024 at 12:39, Tyskie said:

As above, or try another mag. Could be a feeding issue


Only have the one mag for it unfortunately but I can't tell what kind of mag it is, mid cap or hi cap ? Would anything else potentially cause feeding issues apart from the mag? 

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  On 05/10/2024 at 16:05, MrNash89 said:

Well i managed to separate the  barrel which comes  out with the hop unit from the body and you're able to see down the barrel and there was no physical blockage in there, but I could have a look at the hop unit and see if that is as bad you suggest it is. 

Thanks guys 

Only have the one mag for it unfortunately but I can't tell what kind of mag it is, mid cap or hi cap ? Would anything else potentially cause feeding issues apart from the mag? 


If it is a high cap, you pour BBs into it and wind the cogged wheel at the bottom of the magazine until it kicks back.  If it is a mid cap, you put the BBs in down the feed tube with a speed loader.


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  On 05/10/2024 at 16:05, MrNash89 said:

Well i managed to separate the  barrel which comes  out with the hop unit from the body and you're able to see down the barrel and there was no physical blockage in there, but I could have a look at the hop unit and see if that is as bad you suggest it is. 

Thanks guys 

Only have the one mag for it unfortunately but I can't tell what kind of mag it is, mid cap or hi cap ? Would anything else potentially cause feeding issues apart from the mag? 


IIRC P90 high caps have a reputation for feeding badly. Can you post pictures of the magazine?

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When you take the mag out, are there any loose BBs that either fall from the mag or remain in the hop chamber? If not, you may have some sort of feeding problem from the mag into the gun itself whether there's a faulty spring or you may not have wound up the gears at the bottom of a high-cap mag.



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Update well I managed to figure out the mag is a hi cap, when the mag is in the and try to fire off a couple rounds the bbs just fall out the muzzle so I'm not sure if a new mag would work however upon checking the barrel to see that if it was blocked I happened to stumble across this I appears a piece of the hop unit has broken off would this be that's causing my issue? 


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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