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Specna MK 46 Upgrades


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So, I would like to upgrade my (Specna) SA-46 to make it more efficient and fun to use. I currently run it on a 7.4v 2600 mAh battery and it's on Mini-tamaya.


At present, it's all stock except for the following, due to the gears shredding, when a friend over-killed it:

- SHS 18:1 Gears

- XT 14 Tooth Piston

- XT Tappet Plate (v2)


Can anyone recommend some upgrades to help with ROF and/or range? I've looked at the BullGear hop-up, but not sure it's compatible with the SA-46, I've also seen this Airsoft Pro hop-up and wondered if it would help at all?


I'm also planning to wire the Box Mag directly into the RIF, as the Sound control is a pain.


Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm open to suggestions, as I'm considering upgrading the motor as well.



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To my knowledge two major paths exist regarding AEG's (in general).

Trigger response build: high torque motor, 13:1/16:1 gear ratio (some say there is no or minimal difference between them) and ofc a proper mosfet which let you precock.


ROF: short stroked piston head, dsg set, high speed motor and ofc you need a mosfet for a better trigger response.

Only so many things can be done regarding range: quality inner barrel, decent hop-up bucking and nub and quality BB. Aftermarket hop-up units let you dial it in very precisely how much pressure you apply on the bucking.

Edited by Krisz
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Thanks for the reply. I guess (initially) I'm looking at ROF and range.


Are there any recommendations for specific parts that fit the M249 gearbox on the SA-46?


Specfically the motor?

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The Specna M249 range is a direct copy (potentially just rebadged) A&K. If you look on the gearbox casing it should have an A&K marking.


Regardless, the gearbox takes standard V2 gears and IIRC the motor is a short shaft. When you say you want to improve RoF, by how much? The box mags aren't great at keeping up with ridiculous RoF anyway but more to the point, it's a support gun. You can suppress better with a lower rate of fire.


As for range - better hop rubber is where I'd start. Most of the aftermarket hop units seem to cause feeding issues, if you're not getting enough hop it could be suffering from the same problem that the Classic Army and A&K guns do that the bit that presses down on the nub just doesn't have enough travel. Google for "A&K M249 biro mod".

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  On 20/08/2024 at 06:57, AdamMD7 said:

Thanks for the reply. 


ROF - looking for around 20-25rps. It's about 16rps at the moment.


I'll have a look at the biro trick, thanks!



You'll get feeding issues at the rate of fire. not sure if even the upgrade kits for the box mags will keep up.

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The Specnas use a better hop unit than the A&K, uses a proper nub in the correct orientation rather than the verticle one in the A&K

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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