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Elite Force 'Umarex' HK416 A5 ERG (KWA)


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As a newcomer to airsoft I am still yet to obtain my first AR platform AEG so have been trawling reviews and YouTube for advice and opinion.


I recently came across this video for the Elite Force (which I believe is just Umarex in USA - happy to be corrected) HK416 A5 ERG by KWA. Seems to tick all the boxes for me with the recoil system, pretty decent FPS and selectable 30/120 magazines.



I emailed John Rothery Wholesale to see if we are getting these in the UK - response was a solid no 😒


Just wondered what others opinions are on this rifle are based on the video review. I really like the idea of recoil and enjoy the NGRS on my TM MP5. I know I can could get an NGRS 416 but I don't really fancy the lower FPS, or arsing about with the innards to improve it.


I am very new to the AS world, so please be gentle 🙂

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7 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:


Bugs Bunny's No Meme Sticker

Well I am not attuned yet to the good and bad manufacturers in this game, but your feelings have been made very clear 😂

Edited by Doyley83
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If you want an A5, I personally really like the VFC AEG one. It shoots lovely with nothing needing to be done (To mine, at least) 


Alternatively if you’re not bothered by trademarks the Specna Arms A5 might be a good choice. Not had any experience with their A5 but I had their 416D with the Edge 2.0 gearbox and it was my main pew for almost a year, until sadly I lent it to a friend and it came back with a broken lower receiver 😔

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Caveated by the fact that i don't have any 416 specific advice to dispense, but I do note that generally electronic recoil systems are viewed with some suspicion - being something that can frequently go wrong, and adding additional complexity to the innards of the gun.

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Umarex doesn't make any airsoft guns, they just rebrand guns from someone else and jack the price up

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

Umarex doesn't make any airsoft guns, they just rebrand guns from someone else and jack the price up

Agreed, end up paying a hefty amount for those official trades they hoover up the rights to

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For what it’s worth, over the years, I’ve yet to hear an EBB that doesn’t sound like a sewing machine on crack. And +1 for more things to go wrong, 

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The KWA ERG's are very solid reliable guns that need nothing more than a Softer hop rubber to make them good to go.  Having said that these are not available in the UK yet for some reason, unless you know something I don't.

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3 hours ago, BigAl said:

The KWA ERG's are very solid reliable guns that need nothing more than a Softer hop rubber to make them good to go.  Having said that these are not available in the UK yet for some reason, unless you know something I don't.

Nah confirmed by John Rothary they aren't bringing these to the UK

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Given that its specifically Umarex USA & KWA, we probably won't see these until next year or at all.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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