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Calling any Crye Precision experts - A question about fakes...


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Hi there,


I have been looking for some newer Crye (I loved the older stuff) kit and have seen a lot for sale, but my question is - should all of Crye's product lines (more specifically G3 and G4) have these sort of labels on the garment somewhere? I can't remember if my older gen crye stuff from years ago had it or not. 

Crye Precision G3 field shirt - Airsoft Hub Buy & Sell Used Airsoft  Equipment - AirsoftHub

Could the lack of this label (I have seen alleged G4 and 3's without it) possibly denote a fake? Or could it be that the seller is advertising it as a G3/G4 but its in fact a "custom" where this label may not be present?


I am sure some if the fake stuff is great6, but I just wondered.



Edited by ruskitseller
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  • ruskitseller changed the title to Calling any Crye Precision experts - A question about fakes...
15 minutes ago, JimFromHorsham said:

The labelling can differ depending on the batch , age , and unit / commercial outlet. 

for example, three of mine - 





G3 , AC , C 

Hi Jim,


Thanks very much for the reply. So it is possible for g3 and g4 gear to not have the black label according to those factors? If this is the case, I suppose there is very little I can do to make sure I am not buying repro or fakes and will just have to take the risk I guess.


Many thanks.

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5 minutes ago, ruskitseller said:

Hi Jim,


Thanks very much for the reply. So it is possible for g3 and g4 gear to not have the black label according to those factors? If this is the case, I suppose there is very little I can do to make sure I am not buying repro or fakes and will just have to take the risk I guess.


Many thanks.

the G4 stuff is mixed between USA and the cheaper European made (NSPA ) so again the labelling is going to slightly differ . 

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https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006273702243.html? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005585286500.html? You have to really watch out on Ebay but from the likes of here should be trust worthy. 


Thought about Lindnerhof-Taktik? https://www.facebook.com/groups/807151342686715 really high quality in every paten under the sun coming out of Ukraine.   

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*appears from a smoke screen of multicam black*


I'm going from memory and my photo cloud storage, but far as I can see @hitmanNo2 is right.  None of my NSPA G4s (either MC or MTP) have the black tape, but my US produced MC G4s have it.


I've never really sat down and done a list of like 'GX from Y country on Z year has A tape or B label in C position' etc because honestly I'm not sure even Crye has a master list like that which every item adheres to faithfully.


Personally, I've never actually seen a single item so far which was trying to pass itself off as genuine Crye that didn't have typos in the labelling or really badly printed CP logos on the black tape along with other telltale giveaways.  For me the pic in the OP is a real item for sure.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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