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Looking to buy a SCAR-H


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Need a little advice, I really like the SCAR-H but not sure which brand is better.


TM seems the obvious choice, should I be looking at something else? Is it advisable to buy 2nd hand to save a bit or should I rather buy new?

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Depends on your budget, I love my plastic cybergun two tone L but have a metal cybergun L I like to use too but it's heavier, my go to now is a WE scar-H GBBR.


I've had no issues with any of them but they'd not used very often.

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I have a Cybergun/VFC AEG Scar-H. It's a nice gun with good externals but the mags are expensive to get a hold of (about £15-£20 per mid-cap) from Asian retailers. I haven't worked on it internally yet but i've been told that VFC internals on AEGs are pretty shit. IIRC it has a standard V2 gearbox meaning upgrades are plentiful and cheap. The only parts that aren't standard are the hop unit and nozzle (length is like 35mm or something) but Maxx make a CNC rotary hop unit for Scars that will fit the H apparently.

You'll struggle to find one new at a reasonable price due to trademarks and availability - The only retailer I know of with them in stock has them priced at 400 euro. I got lucky on the forums here and snagged it for about £100 plus £20 for a replacement part that was missing.

Double Bell make a Scar-H which has no trademarks making it cheaper than other AEG Scar-H models but the magazines are still pushing the £15-£20 price range area but with the RIF being £200-£250 it's still a significant investment. I can't comment on the quality of the internals having not owned or worked on one.

Personally, i'd suggest looking for a second hand one as you may be able to get a rifle + mags but from what i've seen they rarely come up for sale. Even when they do come up, unless you get really lucky, they're great examples that have been cared for, upgraded and the owners demand a good price for them.

If there's anyone super knowledgeable about AEG Scars reading this, i'd love to pick your brains over some stuff. Please PM me.

Edited by MrTea
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14 hours ago, JuggyUK said:

Need a little advice, I really like the SCAR-H but not sure which brand is better.


TM seems the obvious choice, should I be looking at something else? Is it advisable to buy 2nd hand to save a bit or should I rather buy new?

If you want recoil, if you want lock on empty function, if you want a gun you just pick up and use get a TM and buy new. If you don't care about those functions and like to work on your guns get anything else other than an Ares if the still make an H. 

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9 hours ago, BigStew said:

*stuff* get anything else other than an Ares

 or VFC.

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Hey there,

I've been running a TM NGRS SCAR-L for the last 10 years and just popped it up for sale. Can try answers any questions you have about it though.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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