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Ics M4 double feeding


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Hi guys iv got an ICS split gearbox M4 with newish maxx hop unit new hop rubber and new internal barrell and it's now double feeding iv tried different mags and it's doing the same wether it's a high cap or mid cap an now have no idea what could be causing this any ideas/help I'd be very grateful

Thank you





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What battery are you using? 11.1? If so try it on a 7.4 and see if the problem goes away. 

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So you say it's got a newish max hop unit,rubber and new inner barrell.

Was the gat working properly before these changes?

If the double feeding happened after, then it points to the hop unit.

I can't offer any possible remedy but I would start looking there.  


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2 hours ago, Shamal said:

So you say it's got a newish max hop unit,rubber and new inner barrell.

Was the gat working properly before these changes?

If the double feeding happened after, then it points to the hop unit.

I can't offer any possible remedy but I would start looking there.  



Start by taking the Maxx hop unit out and refitting the original unit.  If it feeds normally, which I suspect it will, you have found the problem.  If it doesn't, do the same with the other parts you have changed until you identify the problem.

Maxx hop units are notoriously finicky about which guns they will work in.

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Hmm interesting it was doing it before but got told the hop unit was fooked so replaced hop unit thought whilst I'm at it il replace hop rubber and longer inner barrel then found it working much better but double feeding still 

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3 hours ago, Jay246 said:

Hmm interesting it was doing it before but got told the hop unit was fooked so replaced hop unit thought whilst I'm at it il replace hop rubber and longer inner barrel then found it working much better but double feeding still 

Ah, it was double feeding before you fitted the Maxx hop unit!  That did not seem to be the case based on your original post: 

"Hi guys iv got an ICS split gearbox M4 with newish maxx hop unit new hop rubber and new internal barrell and it's now double feeding..."

When you say "double feeding", what do you actually mean?  Is it pushing out two BBs at the same time or is it cycling twice, giving two separate shots.

If the former:

If your sector gear has a delayer chip, take it off and see if that makes a difference.

If that does not work, one thing you could try is to use a 4mm drill to make a small indentation in the "roof" of the hop unit, directly above the feed tube. This seems to help prevent double feeding by giving the BB somewhere to sit rather than trying to follow its friend through the hop lips.

If the latter:

Try fitting an Auto Braking mosfet.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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