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KS1 Build suppressor help


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Over the last couple I’ve been gathering the parts to recreate the new Royal Marines Rifle, the KS-1.


heres my progress so far:


here’s a reference image to the real thing:



The only thing I’m missing for this to be complete (apart from spraying which I’m not entirely sure I want to do yet aha) is the suppressor. I can’t find these anywhere. 

so finally coming to the point of this post, does anyone know where I could get suppressor like this or does anyone have a link to an stl file(s) that I could use to print one. 

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9 hours ago, Wavey_Gravey said:


The above or Angry gun when they release theirs.


You still need more than just spray paint to get that to a KS1 my guy 😅

Cheers mate. I don’t think it’s that far off though. I do have a CTR stock for it but just not got it on at the moment as it’s tan. 

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2 hours ago, Redmer said:


Cheers mate. I don’t think it’s that far off though. I do have a CTR stock for it but just not got it on at the moment as it’s tan. 


How close are you trying to get? Technically the handguard and pistol grip need changing plus the scope and mount are different.


If you want to get proper nerdy then you'll need a dimpled 13.7" barrel but nobody seems to be making an airsoft one of those.

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As always with these things, you can in to insane detail if you want and some people like to, but if you're happy enough with being close to the look that's obviously all that matters end of the day.


From speaking to the guy on the KAC booth at SHOT I believe most of the civvie market KS-1s will be black if you wanted to go for that style; obviously isn't the same as the marine/ranger guns then but meh.  But if you stick with black I'd say buy what wavey linked and just paint it if you want the look of the latest KAC can/cover.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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