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Quick 30 second review of the ARSUK pistol case off Amazon


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Shit. I think the bubbles gave a clue 😂😂

Skin is waterproof cause when I get in bath there are no bubbles unless of course I fart.

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Sounds like a typo from people that don't know the difference, or have a poor command of english/meanings. 

It's design clearly wouldn't be waterproof for any kind of sustained immersion. 

Now water resistant, that's a different matter🤔

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10 hours ago, Tackle said:

Sounds like a typo from people that don't know the difference, or have a poor command of english/meanings. 

It's design clearly wouldn't be waterproof for any kind of sustained immersion. 

Now water resistant, that's a different matter🤔


On the listing it's proudly promoted as being a small/medium business based in the UK.


It clearly says "Made in Taiwan" on the case and the .co.uk website on the lable is dead.


Probably someone just dropshipping and using the manufacturer's sales materials.

Edited by DanBow
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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