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yep you guessed it another noob!

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alright guys im liam in the northamptonshire area, thrapston to be precise dunno if anyone is close by at all?

ive liked the idea of doing airsoft for a few years but havent really had the time or cash to start up but decided id give it a go now.


at the moment im deciding on camos and vest what do you guys think of these ?




and i have some british dpm but fancy getting something abit different and quite liked these but cant decide which to go for.






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Hey lemon. I like what you have chosen, looks smart but have you considered UBACS? They look awesome and are top notch. Have you shopped from airsoft club before? there postage fees are rather high as they are based in America i think so they would have to ship it over to you, and it aint cheap.

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  .:l2 a tt l e S:. said:
Hey lemon. I like what you have chosen, looks smart but have you considered UBACS? They look awesome and are top notch. Have you shopped from airsoft club before? there postage fees are rather high as they are based in America i think so they would have to ship it over to you, and it aint cheap.


if by ubacs you mean the under armour cloths then i looked at some but i couldnt find any in the acu style i wanted (well no cheap ones anyway) and the website postage is quite steep but tbh even with postage which according to their calculator comes to about £30 the site still comes up abit cheaper than most places i looked.


im not expecting top quality from them or anything but as im just starting it will do for now.



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  .:l2 a tt l e S:. said:
Hey lemon. I like what you have chosen, looks smart but have you considered UBACS? They look awesome and are top notch. Have you shopped from airsoft club before? there postage fees are rather high as they are based in America i think so they would have to ship it over to you, and it aint cheap.


Hi welcome to the forum and airsoft club are not in the US they are in hong kong china very nice customer service takes forever to get here therefore meaning you get an extra package for free if you complain. Well i did anyway but you didnt learn his from me right?

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  CraigW-H said:
Hi welcome to the forum and airsoft club are not in the US they are in hong kong china very nice customer service takes forever to get here therefore meaning you get an extra package for free if you complain. Well i did anyway but you didnt learn his from me right?


well its ordered now just gotta wait 2 weeks :(

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I made a post about this on another forum as i got hit with import tax before when i bought a security camera. Alot of users were also hit with 75.00 import tax on very very small items. So i cancelled my order with them and got it on ebay instead.

Hope it doesnt happen to you mate. It sometimes looks like a bargin, then sometimes its just as cheap on ebay if you add on all the shipping and import tax and you get them within 3 days.


Also you made a great choice with that vest by the way. I seen it on many sites, but being an SG-1 fan i really wanted the OMEGA vest, similar to yours but i think looks much better.



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  sonic said:
I made a post about this on another forum as i got hit with import tax before when i bought a security camera. Alot of users were also hit with 75.00 import tax on very very small items. So i cancelled my order with them and got it on ebay instead.

Hope it doesnt happen to you mate. It sometimes looks like a bargin, then sometimes its just as cheap on ebay if you add on all the shipping and import tax and you get them within 3 days.


Also you made a great choice with that vest by the way. I seen it on many sites, but being an SG-1 fan i really wanted the OMEGA vest, similar to yours but i think looks much better.




the import tax i assume is the high postage cost? or am i going to get a phone call from customs asking for more money to release it?


as for the vest i just realise it would have been stargate that made me think of that style vest lol i like it others just seem quite bulky as for the omega vest i should hope it is alot better for the price lol!

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Whoever is delivering it for you will generally pay the fee for you, and then they will levy a charge for paying it for you. You end up getting stung quite a few times..

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  Devastator said:
Whoever is delivering it for you will generally pay the fee for you, and then they will levy a charge for paying it for you. You end up getting stung quite a few times..

well the total value of the items was only about £40 so shouldnt be to high owell its already in transit so to late now god how i love this island and all its taxes ...lol

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Yea, last time i got a letter saying i have to pay ££, i cant really remember but i am sure i had to pay at the door i cant really remember now. Its look awsome gear.


what gun do you have btw to go with it .. and yeah, the omega vest isnt cheap but its worth it i think overall.

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  sonic said:
Yea, last time i got a letter saying i have to pay ££, i cant really remember but i am sure i had to pay at the door i cant really remember now. Its look awsome gear.


what gun do you have btw to go with it .. and yeah, the omega vest isnt cheap but its worth it i think overall.

havent got a skirmishable one yet as im not ukara yet so i would have to buy 2 tone and cba with repainting later on, but idealy id like either a scar or l85 but both seem to be pretty high priced especialy as a first gun so will most likely go for a m4 or m16 for a start hence the american uniform


on another note i need to get some safty glasses and was wondering would tinted or clear be better?

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You can buy the SRC G36C like me ( green/black), because later on you can buy the black stock and front battery mount and top black rail from the same website for 58.00, then the whole gun is black.


There is a guy on youtube who did that and he posted the site too. The G36 has green black/green combo that can be changed very easily.

Everything just unbolts with the same alnkey.



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  sonic said:
You can buy the SRC G36C like me ( green/black), because later on you can buy the black stock and front battery mount and top black rail from the same website for 58.00, then the whole gun is black.


There is a guy on youtube who did that and he posted the site too. The G36 has green black/green combo that can be changed very easily.

Everything just unbolts with the same alnkey.



nice idea bud and it would probably be the cheaper option still in the long run but i think ill wait it will give me a chance to see other weapons in reality rarther than just pictures on a screen to help me choose what i want

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I and welcome.


Please for loving God do not get ACU, I just don't regard it as camo, there is no place that it would be really good. If you want the US look then I would go for the tri-colour desert


also if you want to travel I'm going for my first skirmish next thursday at Xsite which is near high wycombe, would like to have another newbie there :)

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yea but the right type of newbies if you get what i mean.


sonic you been to xsite?

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will do, its goign to be quite amusing as I already have a full loadout from CCF but I'll be hiring :)

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  Nickona said:
I and welcome.


Please for loving God do not get ACU, I just don't regard it as camo, there is no place that it would be really good. If you want the US look then I would go for the tri-colour desert


also if you want to travel I'm going for my first skirmish next thursday at Xsite which is near high wycombe, would like to have another newbie there :)


i quite like acu lol but i do see what you are saying about it but im not overly fussed about actualy blending in totaly or i coud just wear dpm


wycombe is not far off 2 hours away for me, abit to far lol sorry bud

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no worries I went from northampton as a good starter. If you're not worried about the camo bit then sure go for ACU I've just never been a fan

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  Nickona said:
no worries I went from northampton as a good starter. If you're not worried about the camo bit then sure go for ACU I've just never been a fan

camo does seem to be down to personal choice tbf , i do like the desert patterns better but id think that would look more out of place than the green

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