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On one of the other forums i frequent there is a button at the bottom of the page that, when pressed, takes you back to the top of the page, doing away with all the needless scrolling. 


Can that be added here? Not essential but just one of those nice little touches.

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2 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

Or just press the "Home" button on your keyboard ;) 


2 hours ago, Haru said:

just hit page up and itll send you back up


Should have clarified, on android. 😁

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1 minute ago, Dan Robinson said:

In the good old days you could two finger double tap the address bar and the browser would do it for you.  God knows why they disabled it as a feature.


Never knew about that one. Mind you, I only found out last year that if you turn your phone to landscape,  you get the web page intead of the mobile page!!!! Who knew?!? 

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