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Perun AB++ Front wired


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I’ve had a brief google and didn’t find much, apologies if such a thread already exists. 

I have a G36 (Think it’s a JG) that is in a sorry state, wiring is fecked, gearbox is fecked etc. Although it only cost me £25 so I’m not mad.

I’ve been desperate to try out the AB++ by Perun and figured this would be the perfect gun, but it’s front wired. Looking at the AB++ diagram it seems front wiring isn’t out of the picture. Has anybody done it, or got ideas on how to do it? 


Also looking for recommendations on a decent hop rubber for a 310 fps gun. My initial choice was a 50 degree macaron. 

Thanks in advance!

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I have front wired one for an LR300; I am not sure how the wiring runs on a G36, but I just added connectors in the power and signal cables, so that the gun could be dismantled.

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It's fine, I have a front wired Perun AB++ in my JG G36.  I soldered straight to the trigger tabs on the outside of the gearbox, and didn't even have to open it up. On an external unit like this, with those trigger tabs, it's not relevant whether it's front or rear wired, so long as you can get the wires to the battery (and you can).


The AB++ sits just inside the battery space under the handguard, which doesn't help the already cramped space, but I can get a 1400mAh 11.1V lipo in there with it, so it's all good. You can add inline connectors somewhere in the wiring, but I didn't even bother with that.

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Thanks guys! 

I think I’ll add a way to disconnect the wiring just to be safe, I don’t suppose it’ll be too long before the gearbox gives out 😬

At least once it dies it gives me a reason to replace the gearbox with better parts 😉

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My XM177 is front wired AB++ with 2mm banana plugs for the power and signal cables.


Colour code the heat shrink AND reverse the +ve and -ve connectors (female / male) so you can't accidentally get them the wrong way round!!!!


Cracking little unit even if it doesn't play nice with my Warhead motor (2rd burst would have been a nice option but they just argue and fail to cycle properly 🤣)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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