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Umarex PSG-1 GBBR Firing Issue


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Well… the initial excitement of getting the PSG-1 has wobbled a bit. I finally had some time and the wind had died down enough for me to zero in the Scope ready for next weekend. Gassed up the Magazines and started to adjust the hop. The first Mag I used was the one that came with the PSG-1 and all went well and I got the dead man man’s click when it was out of BBs. Switched to the second mag and all I got was dead man’s click. Pulled the magazine back out, added some gas (just in case) and it was full off BBs. Tried again but still dead man’s click. I then switched back to the original mag, reloaded the BBs but now have the same with that one. Just a click.


I then put the mag into dry fire mode (I think I did it right) and it worked fine, sending BBs down towards the target but then it just continues to dry fire when empty. I clicked it back into normal mode and still the same dead man’s click. The one thing I did do was try to put the mag in without cocking the weapon back so hopefully that hasn’t broken something.

I am not sure about setting dry fire mode on the mags and the Umarex website is down at the moment so double checking with the manual is a no go. Just for the record, the mags in the PSG-1 are the same as the Umarex G3 so anyone with experience of those as well would be appreciated.


any ideas anyone? 

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My WE G3 does that occasionally, what seems to happen is that the valve knocker hasn't popped back into the firing position . Try cocking the bolt back then slap the mag in and give it a good thump before releasing the bolt.

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Cheers Nick,


I will try that tomorrow as it has been put back in its case in disgrace!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice gents. That was exactly it. A little dab of LT2 grease on the empty mag lever at the back of the magazine and it is working perfectly. They must have got a little dry in storage. I did the same on the spare mags just in case.

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On 10/11/2022 at 15:25, RobHedley said:

Thanks for the advice gents. That was exactly it. A little dab of LT2 grease on the empty mag lever at the back of the magazine and it is working perfectly. They must have got a little dry in storage. I did the same on the spare mags just in case.

Ok, I now have exactly the same issue after it was firing fine!! What is wrong @RobHedley

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Did you also lube the lever on the trigger box that lifts the valve knocker when the mag is empty ? 

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@EvilMonkee I found that as well but put a spot of LT2 grease to help it on its way. Glad you got it sorted. Is your G3 as loud as the PSG 1? 

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@RobHedleyIts loud but nowhere near as loud as the VFC FAL.  Skirmished that today, fuck me, the G3 is lovely but the FAL is streets ahead.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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