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Most cost effective way to get an MWS upper?


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So I really want to have a second upper for my MWS, something with a longer barrel and scope for the rare occasions I play outdoors, but with how much after market receivers cost, I might as well buy a brand new mws and use that, and I'll have another magazine and a bunch of spare parts as well.


What are peoples thoughts?

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Do you know anybody that would like a separate lower?


TBH I’ve only ever seen one complete upper for sale and it wasn’t far off a new MWS, as you say it may be your best option.

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As someone who owns 4 MWS. It is usually cheaper and easier to just buy a complete separate gun and configure it how you want. It is pretty rare to pick up a separate upper and when they do come up they are nearly the price of a complete gun anyway.


One of my guns started off as a spare upper, someone on this forum damaged their lower and managed to pick up a pre-sprayed retailer two tone for a fair price and was very reasonable when selling the unnecessary upper on the forum. As I was planning a DMR upper the bright green front end was immediately going in my bits box anyway so that was fine for me. About a year later I saw someone selling a lower (as they wanted two uppers and a lower in the same gun case) and it was so cheap relative to the price of an upper that I bought it immediately if for no other reason than I would get more for a complete gun than for an upper only of I ever did decide to sell up.


Also if you are Looking at a DMR build for your second gun, a complete gun makes sense as you can semi lock the DMR lower so you can up the FPS.


Pics of my MWS, just why not....





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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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