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New aap01 cowcow BBU


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what are peoples experiences with the new BBUs from cowcow? been hearing some things about them being incompatible with the mamba upper n stuff (obviously i hear all this AFTER i buy one) and just wondered what peoples thoughts are for those who have managed to obtain one

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We have a dedicated AAP thread btw :P



Should be good for insane RPS builds since it's much lighter than the stock AA one (it weighs 39 grams lol).


With that being said, I don't see people buying these en masse, the stock one works well and all it takes to increase the RPS is a short stroke kit (mine now cycle so fast that gas magazines can't keep up with them).

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They look pretty amazing and transferable experience on a capa going lightweight BBU, you'll get a lot lower recoil as well as faster return to battery. I think the remaining insides of these being made of chocolate will always be a sticking point though. You're out of the box upgrading the hammer and I'm seeing more people needing to replace the knocker lock now as well (cough @leadly cough).

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7 hours ago, Skara said:

We have a dedicated AAP thread btw :P



Should be good for insane RPS builds since it's much lighter than the stock AA one (it weighs 39 grams lol).


With that being said, I don't see people buying these en masse, the stock one works well and all it takes to increase the RPS is a short stroke kit (mine now cycle so fast that gas magazines can't keep up with them).

aaah i missed this, apologies! appreciate the help though ill throw my question in there

53 minutes ago, Steveocee said:

They look pretty amazing and transferable experience on a capa going lightweight BBU, you'll get a lot lower recoil as well as faster return to battery. I think the remaining insides of these being made of chocolate will always be a sticking point though. You're out of the box upgrading the hammer and I'm seeing more people needing to replace the knocker lock now as well (cough @leadly cough).

yea imo they seem pretty decent if you need something to upgrade, been hearing some people have issues but it seems to be a big 50/50 rn


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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