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UPDATE:I bought a Turbo trainer(used it twice),then an opportunity arose for me to take on a menial job with the local council="Litter operative" easy~ish work with a lot of walking involved and I'm glad to say it is doing me the world of good.Only a week in and I can definately feel an improvement in my mobility and pain.Still not good with jumping impact but that's gone and I need to work around it.And the best part is I played the Sunday (20/03) before I started the job,fearing the worst but it's all working out fine.As I suspected it was/is lack of use that was causing the mobility and pain issues.Also I discovered that perhaps footwear is part of the issue,I wore boots for 4 days them swapped to safety trainers for 1 day and the difference is great.I may wear them at my next walk-on but I need to be wary of ankle support.Thanks for all the replies and advice...

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Guest KiloGr

Sounds a bit weird, but yoga / stretches PROPERLY;


Key to keep all muscles stretched - obviously you cant stretch your knee joints but the gradual light movement overtime will help keep everything free and flowing.


Might not get rid of the issue, but worth a try to see if it relieves it.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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