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PHAHA Just BB guns!!

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might aswell buy a CA or ASG Dragunov

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I actually want an airsoft bizon.

seriously, no joke- the jbbg website sells really great guns, I got the m32a6 from cod so I can no scope and wallbang like xXxXxXxno scopezzzzzzzzzXxXxXxXxxyzxyzpredatorelitekillerbossxxx

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You really are a Stupid Maybug :P

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Got to hand it to the guy that runs that shop. He found a niche market not currently catered for, and, judging by the number of comments and amount of feedback, is raking in money.

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Very Very true, you know what, i wouldn't mind being sponsored by shops that sell cheap springers,

Besides, we all (Except Marcus) know cheap guns are much fun!

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Very Very true, you know what, i wouldn't mind being sponsored by shops that sell cheap springers,

Besides, we all know cheap guns are so much fun!


Kill yourself. Now


'nuff said

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Ah you guys! as long as the springers aren't two tone its fine! you know, i dont mean for a skirmish, i mean for " have a small springer in your pocket and shoot your friend when he isnt looking" sorta thing :P

Eye pro on obviously!

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Yes I do think I'm clever :P


Well that makes one of us...


Actually I think it's quite a good website, as long as you're not an idiot and don't expect a £30 gun to be skirmish-able. At the end of the day it promises cheap bb guns, and that's what it delivers.


Only thing that annoys me is their review / comment system - I am so sick of reading that people think the gun looks awesome and are going to buy it as soon as they get their pocket money... does anyone actually care? (except the police, who should care, as if you're waiting on your pocket money odds are you ain't 18 :D)

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for once?


I think you need to see a doctor


True, so so so true. Even agreeing with you once should probably get me committed to a mental institute :P


I so badly want to buy a ton of these guns from JBBG and skirmish with them, just for giggles.

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For once, I agree with MM556.


So finus, who's side are you on?! You agree with marcus, then say you want to skirmish plinkers for giggles?!?

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Well you see, it's a very complex issue, on the one hand, I wouldn't want to be sponsored by a shop like JBBG, because, well, I have dignity :P


On the other hand though, I can't help but feel it'd be a giggle to get one or two cheapo ones just for themed nights or them games which you don't take too serious xD


Note though, I only said I agreed with Marksman about sponsorship :P

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well you know, getting free guns instead of wasting the £30 on it, wouldnt it be better that way? you could store 20 springers in your car, oops it broke, new one, oops it broke, new one etc. :P lol

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Impressive, they are not ashamed to show Orange SRC mp5's, G36's and M4's?! thats pretty impressive!

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