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Changing motor in new gun


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So I'm looking into a few upgrades on my new Ares Mutant, starting with a new motor, probably a u-30k or u-35k.

Just wanted to quickly ask, will putting a faster motor in ruin anything else in the gun? I'm just trying to up the rps and trigger response a little and don't want to have to open the gearbox as my Sig556 is STILL not working properly and I don't want my new Ares to end up like that.

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48 minutes ago, LazzurusMan said:

Just wanted to quickly ask, will putting a faster motor in ruin anything else in the gun?


Only if it spins the gears faster than the piston can go fully forwards.


I'm far too much of a Poor to know if those (I assume) ASG motors are likely to do that with whatever's in your gearbox. I stick to putting cheap Chinese Big Dragon M140s in my cheap Chinese gnus. ;)


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I've got a U35K on 18:1 running 7.4v 2200mAh 35/70C. In one of my AUGS. It's a bit too fast and double shoots until you've dumped a mag or two. It overruns by a shot or two on auto as well. Gearbox is standard, Trigger is standard V3 contacts and dolly on a mosfet. No AB.

The U30K I have is on 13:1 7.4v 2200mAh 35/70C. Very snappy, Requires a short stroke 2-3 teeth. 24ish RPS. Semi is about perfect. Standard trigger contacts V2 on basic mosfet.

Out of the 2 the U30K is the better motor it's a very similar motor to the 16TPA SHS/RA HT. On a standard 18:1 gearset you should be fine provided you are careful and try a 7.4v before an 11.1 and even then only drop in the 11.1 if you are happy to open the gearbox up and potentially have to do a repair if it eats itself. Personally I like the motors but if you are wanting the speed as more of a test with the potential of keeping the upgrade then save some money and grab a more basic motor for cheaper. The 16TPA HT motors are about £30 from AK2M4.

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40 minutes ago, Iceni said:

The 16TPA HT motors are about £30 from AK2M4


Sadly out of stock (in long shaft) and he's taking a break at the moment.  That's why I mentioned the Big Dragon M140s.  $34.40 / £25.15 taxed and delivered from Ali Express, and they generally arrive within a couple of weeks. Sadly, with the stock situation being what it is I've started going to Ali rather than trawling through even the decent UK/NI sellers like ak2m4 and Bullseye, or buying the same stuff on eBay with a marked up price and lies about where it's shipping from.


Curiously, Bullseye have the Big Dragon M120s in stock, but apparently they're the runt of the litter: the M140s and M160s are fine.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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