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Evolution Airsoft Brand (Who makes them, what brand are they copies of).


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I have been looking at Evolution Airsoft 416 QCB RAHG ETS.

(A Google search should bring up what I mean).


I have been informed that Evolution Airsoft are a brand that like the likes of Nuprol copy weapons and reproduce under their own name.


Can anyone tell me who actually makes these?


Are they copies of what brand?

And what rifle are they copies of?


Thanks for input.

Edited by AirsoftRich
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The 'real' rifle is a H&K 416, lots of companies make a copy of it, less so with the geissele style rail. TM, VFC, CYMA, WE, EA, UMAREX (which I think is a VFC Rebrand) and G&G

I would stay away from anything Nuprol.

Not seen much EA stuff so cannot comment on it. 

I've owned the G&G 416 and it was good (to my standard anyway). I currently own the TM 416 (with the geissele rail) and like it.

Edited by SgtTalbert
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14 hours ago, AirsoftRich said:

I have been looking at Evolution Airsoft 416 QCB RAHG ETS.

(A Google search should bring up what I mean).


I have been informed that Evolution Airsoft are a brand that like the likes of Nuprol copy weapons and reproduce under their own name.


Can anyone tell me who actually makes these?


Are they copies of what brand?

And what rifle are they copies of?


Thanks for input.


I believe they use a number of OEM companies to make their guns for them. S&T is one for sure but the 416 looks like it's been done by whoever OEM'd the Specna ones (E&C maybe). 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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