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Ar Heavier Than .32 Bb's


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Apologies if this is a repeat question, I have looked but found nothing. 

Is it acceptable to use .36 BB’s in an AEG at UK sites. 


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For outdoor cant say i've heard of places having ammo weight limits. America maybe as a (dumb) solution to joule creep in hpa's


Run up to .48's plenty of times never any issue, if the gun is kosher then it shouldnt really matter what weight you run.

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7 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

For outdoor cant say i've heard of places having ammo weight limits. America maybe as a (dumb) solution to joule creep in hpa's


Run up to .48's plenty of times never any issue, if the gun is kosher then it shouldnt really matter what weight you run.

Cheers, is that .48’s in a AR!!!?

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33 minutes ago, Gray_Ghost_666 said:

Cheers, is that .48’s in a AR!!!?


Hpa'd, at 1j no less.


Didnt do it often for obvious reasons, but yes a speedsofter spec m4 carbine with .48's turns outdoor airsoft into a point and click adventure.


Good fun once you've drowned out the audible "ker ching" every time you pull the trigger 😛


Even run them in a makarov at 0.7j, although gave that up when i realise i was changing loading nozzles half as often as i was changing magazines and i cant shoot a pistol that well anyway.


That reminds me must check if the aksu can lift .48's.....

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10 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


Hpa'd, at 1j no less.


Didnt do it often for obvious reasons, but yes a speedsofter spec m4 carbine with .48's turns outdoor airsoft into a point and click adventure.


Good fun once you've drowned out the audible "ker ching" every time you pull the trigger 😛


Even run them in a makarov at 0.7j, although gave that up when i realise i was changing loading nozzles half as often as i was changing magazines and i cant shoot a pistol that well anyway.


That reminds me must check if the aksu can lift .48's.....

Lol Not sure I would want to be at the receiving end of that 😂 

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44 minutes ago, Gray_Ghost_666 said:

Lol Not sure I would want to be at the receiving end of that 😂 


that's the thing, a joule is a joule, it doesn't hit any harder than anything else on the field up close.

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6 hours ago, Gray_Ghost_666 said:

Lol Not sure I would want to be at the receiving end of that 😂 


Less hurty than point blank 0.2g at 1.13 or 1.2J.


Just to be absolutely clear, you're aware that site limits aren't (e.g.) 350fps with whatever BBs you happen to have in there, right?  They're (e.g.) 350fps with 0.2g, and progressively lower limits with heavier ammo in order to keep the muzzle energy down to whatever your site limit is.


Sorry to ask, but I've genuinely seen that on Facebook, folk thinking that they can shoot any weight they like at 350fps from AEGs, because sites are still stuck in the 1990s and only talk about FPS and not energy.

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27 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Sorry to ask, but I've genuinely seen that on Facebook, folk thinking that they can shoot any weight they like at 350fps from AEGs, because sites are still stuck in the 1990s and only talk about FPS and not energy.


need to keep reminding myself this is a thing.

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5 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

need to keep reminding myself this is a thing.


And bear in mind that folk asking here, or on Facebook, represent the players who actually care enough to ask.


I sometimes wonder what the silent majority think, or rather don't think about it.

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11 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

I sometimes wonder what the silent majority think, or rather don't think about it.


Not thinking sounds about right.


Kinda depressing really, i get not everyone's an engineer but kinetic energy is gcse level.....

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I'm running 0.32's in my MTW at the moment. I'm going to keep that my weight for more urban sites and progress to 0.36's and maybe eventually 0.4's for woodland bush time!


Me and my mate tested our MTW's side by side at 65m (actual metres measured with a range finder), which I think equates to nearly 85 Airsoft metres.


I used 0.32 and he used 0.36's and We both hit the same measured tree at 65m. My shots were just starting to fall a little where as his were still going fairly straight.


Some.of my tighter mates are still running 0.2's in their AEG's. These are by no coincidence the same friends that bitch and moan EVERY SINGLE BLOODY GAME that people aren't calling HIT at 14 miles away!


😂That got a bit ranty there but atleast it stayed roughly to the topic of BB's......



Edit: The one good thing about 0.32 though is the price of a bottle is about £15 for 3300, then the big jumps start with any weight after that!

Edited by leadly
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4 minutes ago, leadly said:

Me and my mate tested our MTW's side by side at 65m (actual metres measured with a range finder), which I think equates to nearly 85 Airsoft metres.


1 airsoft metre is roughly 0.587 metric metres, so 65 real metres is ~110 airsoft meters.

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