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Air Rifle Bore Laser for Setting Scopes


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So has anyone used an Air rifle bore laser to set the scope on their Airsoft rifle? Do they work at all? the ones I have seen seem suspiciously cheap. I don't have time on a game day to use the range so if i can at least get close to zero with a laser before hand that be good.

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Hmm.  It's just a laser on a stick, so no reason it needs to be more than a few £££. But on the other hand, if it's at all off then it would be useless.


I'm all for giving things a try, but given that I set the hop each day then set the sight to that, I'm not sure how useful it would be, even given that I swap scores and sights around more or less randomly.

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

never really tried, but it shouldn't take that long even during a game to get a close enough zero set (close enough being pretty much all you'd expect from an airsoft gun anyway)

in 20 years of playing this the first gun i have owned that needed a scope i am just not good at setting the scope. it was so off i couldn't see where the BB was hitting through the scope to properly adjust. gave up after 20 mins as i was out of gas.

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Might be an issue with the mounting then.


You'll likely find that if it's that far off then it might not be in the adjustment range and you'll have to shim it.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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