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Asg Mp9 Reassembly Issues

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5 hours ago, Justjay1986 said:

Hi all


Can't seem to get the front end of the mp9 down on reassembly. This is a mates Rif and neither of us can work out why. Any ideas?


Bollox. I had the exact same issue when re-assembling one, and buggered if I can remember what the issue was. Couldn’t have been that hard to work out, I managed it.


Sorry, that was zero help wasn’t it 🤷🏼‍♂️

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10 hours ago, rocketdogbert said:

Why did you disassemble it? Fixing something?

Yes mate it is my mates, we were at a game day and it wasn't feeding etc. 

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2 hours ago, Justjay1986 said:

Yes mate it is my mates, we were at a game day and it wasn't feeding etc. 

I have a feeling I put something in upside, might have been the release bar of the spring for it? I know it was subtle

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