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Gbb Mag and Speedloaders

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So I am new to the GBB gang and just ordered an MWS, have posted on that thread too for advice.

However I didn't realise speed loaders may not all be equal when it comes to GBB mags.

This is all I have at the moment how screwed am I?


Any recommendations. I really like the small pistol plunger types


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I’d you use the small pistol type ones you will need to glue the adapter on, otherwise it will keep coming off.


The Marui m4 mag one is the best I have used.

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On 20/01/2021 at 23:12, Shizbazki said:

Linked below is by far the best speed loader to use for your MWS or pistols:



Agree, I tried Chinese copies with similar attachment to load gbb mags and they were not quite fitting, the TM one is the best.

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As above the Marui XL one is the best. You will find though that the o ring will probably dislodge in the speedloader... but that's no big deal as it just means you can fill the mags a little easier......

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10 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

As above the Marui XL one is the best. You will find though that the o ring will probably dislodge in the speedloader... but that's no big deal as it just means you can fill the mags a little easier......

The O ring off the magazine or speed loader?

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