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Kwa Mp9 Hellll Yeahhhh

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I love mine, I just dont get to use it enough. Its gas not HPA though. Although I keep thinking to make a transition.


I have not done anything other than cosmetic to mine. It doesnt need it, shoots great as is.

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On 17/01/2021 at 20:04, Kls77 said:

Right peeps

Just ordered a kwa mp9. The mp9 Supressor and also a primary Airsoft HPa mag . Any thing I should know or do ?? 


Soon as you get it, load it up and let it rip on full auto.


Then laugh like a mad man for a bit.

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never load mag with the bolt in shoot position. otherwise you will damage the nozzle if you slam the mag in.


its high rps know to mess up the nozzle recoil springs. normally a cqb bolt or engenity  quick fix can help prevent  .


The disconnector and something else forgot name of will need replacing cause they do give way. wii has steel upgrade parts 


Its a beast 


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