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Cyma M4 Convert to HPA

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I have a Cyma .072 MK12 it has a V2 gearbox.

I want to convert it to a HPA DMR using a wolverine engine.

Has anyone had any issues doing this?

Many Thanks.

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depends on what you mean by issues.


getting it to fit, function, and send bb's out of the barrel no i shouldn't imagine any problems at all.


tuning it to perfection, well that's an exponential challenge.

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During initial installation the main thing that tends to need addressing is nozzle alignment. Often, but not always, you'll need to add shims to the outside of the gearbox casing/inside of the receiver to ensure the nozzle is sitting centred. Outside of that there is the potential for leaks, generally caused by loose fittings or dead o-rings.


Then you're largely looking at issues with hop parts not marrying up... but that's no different to when you start playing around with the hop/barrel of any RIF. Ultimately that'll be entirely subjective based on the results you're wanting/expecting and how realistic those wants/expectations are, as mentioned above.


Worth noting that these are 'general HPA things' to be aware of, not specific to installation on the specific RIF you've mentioned. There are a whole bunch of YouTube videos covering HPA installation so worth taking a look there if you haven't already.

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I asked High Pressure Airsoft about my mates ARP9 and converting that to HPA...they said it would cost £40 to install and test. (He would have to supply the engine or buy one from them...but £40 for fitting etc..not bad)


Maybe worth getting the pro's to do it for you?


(The ARP has shit itself so many times...my mate wants to HPA it..lol)

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