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Buying From Asia

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I’m just starting in airsoft and been looking around at prices and the Asian sites seem to be very cheap, but i am wondering if there’s duty to pay when it gets to the UK is this the case ?

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Duty to pay and possibly  a handling fee.  Royal Mail charge about £8 for international imports.  

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Take the invoice total including postage as the valuation.

(Note that Border Force can disregard declared valuations and declare a value in the UK market)


Expect to pay 20% import VAT, possibly import duty (depending on item classification - could be 3.2%)

Then for the holding of the package pending payment and handling of fees the importing carrier charges their fee which can be anything from £8 to £20



E.g. you pay £100 on the purchase, then get a bill for £23.20 + handling fee


The final cost being between £131.20 and £143.20

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Thanks that’s what I thought, suddenly they’re not so cheap. Think I’ll stick with a UK store for the extra 30-40 at least I’ll get somewhere I can call if I get any problems 

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For actual weapons and more substantial stuff, stick with the UK.

I order a lot of parts from the likes of Rainbow8, X-Fire and Asiaairsoft and they are generally cheaper than UK and so far nothing has hit the border wall but wouldn't want the merriment of trying to liaise a UKARA RIF through or anthing similar.

Had more issues getting stuff from US to be honest.

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