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Aap-01 Outer Barrel Threads

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I bought the AAP-01 a while back, but this year received an XT501 tracer unit for Christmas. Naturally, the first gun I fitted it to was my new pistol. However I've noticed that the connection between the outer barrel threads and the tracer unit threads appears to be loose. If twisted too far round, instead of the connection becoming tighter, the tracer unit slips and becomes loose again. On closer inspection, the threads appear to be a little messed up. I'm aware that replacement outer barrel threads are available, however would it be possible to rethread it with a tap and die set? I'll attach a photo :)




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You could try some electrical tape. (worked for me on a different pistol)

Or JBWeld and wait until nearly dry before threading on and off a few times to get new threads worn in before taking off and allowing to dry fully.


A bit late but I would suggest an XT301 or LighterS would be better for a pistol

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Problem i'd have with the likes of tape or jb weld etc is how square and true the threads are, for a unit of any real length or narrow internal diameter you may end up chopping rounds.

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

Problem i'd have with the likes of tape or jb weld etc is how square and true the threads are, for a unit of any real length or narrow internal diameter you may end up chopping rounds.

Yeah, I'm thinking that it could tighten up against the end to make sure its aligned.

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23 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Yeah, I'm thinking that it could tighten up against the end to make sure its aligned.


If its a short unit should be fine, but i wouldnt be confident a long suppressor would work.


But for a pistol tracer its worth a shot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, zarasophia535 said:

better to get a new outer barrel.

Hi where are you from?


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