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Posting to Europe

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I’ve done a search and can’t find any info on posting a rif to Europe is there any trouble doing this anything I need to be aware of before I start any help would be greatly appreciated 

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It depends where in Europe, every country has different rules.


As a rule of thumb, generally it’s the importers issue not the senders, but that isn’t always the case.


What are you sending and where is it going?

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As sender you are responsible for ensuring it is within the carriers terms and conditions, not on the prohibited list and compliant with the restricted list


For the recipient as an importer they are responsible for the item being legal in their country and any importation rules


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Also if you post after Brexit takes place, make sure to downgrade the gun to the buyer's energy limit!

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3 minutes ago, Diemaco said:


If they have one.

afaik every european country has a maximum energy limit (expressed in Joules) that separates toy guns from air guns/real guns.

Giving a fuck about said limit is a different story tho ;)

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