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New to This Forum but an Old Hand at Airsoft

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So, I've actually been playing airsoft since 2005 but new to this forum... Used to play at Combat South a lot and at Ground Zero (or anywhere there's a good game to be had) - spent some time away from the game because of work and family but started up again this year - not as young and quick as in the old days, but loving it!

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Good man!

Welcome back to the fold(safezone).

Not the best time to revisit past madness but will get better🤞

Sadly combat south at wickham has recently closed😪

I've played at ground zero ringwood quite a few times.great venue.

Have fun reading all the posts👍🙂



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Hi @Audio! 👋

Welcome to the forum.

Wanted to go to Combat South, before closure! 😞

Have fun getting back into it! 🔫😎👍


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  On 11/12/2020 at 14:38, Shamal said:

Sadly combat south at wickham has recently closed😪


Yeah, really sad times - I was there for the very last Weds evening game and a genuine wrench leaving for the last time. Spoke to Russ recently and he said that the developers have really got to work on the site - sad times.


Thanks though for the welcome back - really enjoyed the Summer of games and dusting off my kit and finding that it all still worked apart from a couple of bits, I was ready to go!

  On 12/12/2020 at 12:44, GAMBLE said:

Hi @Audio! 👋

Welcome to the forum.

Wanted to go to Combat South, before closure! 😞

Have fun getting back into it! 🔫😎👍



Thank you!


Combat South for me was just perfect - good games, good scoff, great bunch of guys running it - they'll bounce back I'm sure!

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