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Cyma Ak47 Stock

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Hello all


I picked up a CYMA AK47 in the tactical configuration for dirt cheap. I want to add a wood stock for the classic look. I can’t find any wood furniture online however if there is some that is unused could you PM me. I’ve taken the tactical stock off and I’m left with this. I’m not familiar with AK’s so could anyone tell me if my gun can even take wood furniture. 

thank you. 





Unused meaning surplus to any of you guys. It can be battered I’m not fussy. I just want the classic look. Thank you. 

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@JME Unfortunately  with this model of Cyma AK you will be unable to get a AK wood stock to fit, to get  a wood stock/ traditional style of stock to fit the AK you need at least one of the two parts circled in red in the picture  attached to get a wood stock to fit and hold mainly the upper stock tang.   


The AK in the picture is an E&L model, it dose vary from manufacture to manufacture. 


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Unfortunately as @Sniper780 says thats not a standard mount for an ak.


the one he pictured is the common type for the classic full stock variants. Real surplus stocks still need modified to fit airsoft guns though.


Honestly it might be as easy to try and source a reciever with the right tang than trying to modify things.

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To be honest I fully agree with you. As I don’t even know if you could buy a tang. Or maybe I could make one using a wood stock for reference. A new receiver would cost a lot more than what I paid for the gun. Also I’m after upgrading the gearbox to run a 11.1 lipo but I’m not sure what gears I’d need? Are there any special grears less prone to wear? And is the CYMA ak a V2 GB?


thank you. 



Will an ics take CYMA parts? 


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18 minutes ago, JME said:

CYMA ak a V2 GB?

Nearly all airsoft AKs use or are based on a version 3 gear box their are acceptations to this. As for the ICS receiver, you linked,  I don't believe it will be compatible with your cyma AK front set as ICS have their own proprietary deign you might be able to modify it but I am not sure how.    

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No need to change gears or nowt to run 11.1, the cyma boxes tend to run pretty sweet.


You should think of some form of mosfet and giving the box a bit of tlc in the air seal department.


The box itself is a standard v3 should be nominally compatible with e&l/lct recievers although the front end furniture might be a bit different.


Iirc jg trunnions are different, they use a pin to hold the frontend on rather than grub screws.

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36 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

No need to change gears or nowt to run 11.1, the cyma boxes tend to run pretty sweet.


You should think of some form of mosfet and giving the box a bit of tlc in the air seal department.


The box itself is a standard v3 should be nominally compatible with e&l/lct recievers although the front end furniture might be a bit different.


Iirc jg trunnions are different, they use a pin to hold the frontend on rather than grub screws.

Ok that’s great thank you. I won’t bother with the receiver then. Im just using this cheap buy as a project to get into working on my airsoft guns. If it was a firearm or air rifle I’d be fine. I’m new to  all this. 

thank you!!

56 minutes ago, Sniper780 said:

Nearly all airsoft AKs use or are based on a version 3 gear box their are acceptations to this. As for the ICS receiver, you linked,  I don't believe it will be compatible with your cyma AK front set as ICS have their own proprietary deign you might be able to modify it but I am not sure how.    

Probably not worth the hassle. I’ll keep an eye out for spares and repairs

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20 minutes ago, JME said:

Ok that’s great thank you. I won’t bother with the receiver then. Im just using this cheap buy as a project to get into working on my airsoft guns. If it was a firearm or air rifle I’d be fine. I’m new to  all this. 


Fair enough, its a good way of doing things, rule one is always keep a backup lying around.

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21 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


Fair enough, its a good way of doing things, rule one is always keep a backup lying around.

Yes definitely. 

I chronoed it today and it’s shooting 215fps with .2? This seems extremely low. What kind of spring will I need to get it above 330fps?


Thank you. 

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18 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

It might not be the spring, air seal would be my first port of call.

Air seal meaning the nozzle and hop up seal? Sorry I’m new to all this


all this information is extremely helpful 

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2 hours ago, JME said:

Air seal meaning the nozzle and hop up seal? Sorry I’m new to all this


all this information is extremely helpful 


I would swap out the piston and cylinder o-rings along with the hop rubber. Don't touch the spring until you can rule out air seal issues.


Cheap replacements (under a tenner posted)

Cylinder O-rings (19x1.5mm) x10

Piston O-rings (19x2.5mm) x10

Lonex 50deg Hop Rubber (Cheap and cheerful but works OK for me)


or if you want to spend a little more on the hop rubber setup:


Maple Leaf Macaron


Omega style Nub


Your nozzle will likely not have an o-ring unless it was upgraded by the previous owner.




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4 hours ago, JME said:

Air seal meaning the nozzle and hop up seal? Sorry I’m new to all this


all this information is extremely helpful 


that's one of the areas (ironically the one most folk forget about).


have a look here:


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On 02/12/2020 at 22:28, Speedbird_666 said:


I would swap out the piston and cylinder o-rings along with the hop rubber. Don't touch the spring until you can rule out air seal issues.


Cheap replacements (under a tenner posted)

Cylinder O-rings (19x1.5mm) x10

Piston O-rings (19x2.5mm) x10

Lonex 50deg Hop Rubber (Cheap and cheerful but works OK for me)


or if you want to spend a little more on the hop rubber setup:


Maple Leaf Macaron


Omega style Nub


Your nozzle will likely not have an o-ring unless it was upgraded by the previous owner.




Thank you!!! Thoes link actually are really helpful. Being new I don’t even know what to look for or where to look. 

On 03/12/2020 at 00:24, Adolf Hamster said:


that's one of the areas (ironically the one most folk forget about).


have a look here:

I’ll give it a more thorough read when I leave work but from what I’ve read this is extremely informative and helpful to me. Thank you so much. I’ll let you know how I get on. 

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40 minutes ago, JME said:

Thank you!!! Thoes link actually are really helpful. Being new I don’t even know what to look for or where to look. 


we all had to start somewhere, it's pretty rewarding once you get the hang of it. pretty handy being able to have more confidence buying secondhand too.



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10 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


we all had to start somewhere, it's pretty rewarding once you get the hang of it. pretty handy being able to have more confidence buying secondhand too.



I’ve come from airguns and firearms and I’ve found airsoft is completely different to both. I need to be able to understand what gun takes what parts and what parts with fit my guns as I assume they’re not all compatible 

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10 minutes ago, JME said:

I’ve come from airguns and firearms and I’ve found airsoft is completely different to both. I need to be able to understand what gun takes what parts and what parts with fit my guns as I assume they’re not all compatible 


it's a tricky one.


on the one hand a lot of parts are more universal than you'd get at a first impression


but on the other there are proprietary parts out there and what's worse is even parts that are "compatible" sometimes don't quite fit right or don't work quite so well.


sometimes there's no substitute for having a box of random bits to trawl through and find the one part that fits right.

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5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


it's a tricky one.


on the one hand a lot of parts are more universal than you'd get at a first impression


but on the other there are proprietary parts out there and what's worse is even parts that are "compatible" sometimes don't quite fit right or don't work quite so well.


sometimes there's no substitute for having a box of random bits to trawl through and find the one part that fits right.

So can it be a bit trial and error finding spares and replacements? 

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48 minutes ago, JME said:

So can it be a bit trial and error finding spares and replacements? 


yes and no


really depends on the gun, the part, and how perfect you want it to be.


it's little things like say a gearset as slightly more backlash in one box compared to another, might be bugger all wrong with the gears or the box just they aint a perfect fit, might well be grand for most uses (hence universal) but if you're pushing the limits then maybe not.


thinking about it that's a question that's really hard to give a straight answer to.

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Piston o ring seems baggy. Is this normal and nozzle has ptfe tape over the o ring?? Any expert comments on this and will this be the cause of low 200fps?


thank you. 



...also, is this a mosfet?


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the o-ring should normally be pretty baggy around the piston, it doubles as a one-way valve hence the holes in the front of the piston to help inflate it up.


it should however be a nice fit to the cylinder (worth checking the cylinder bore is nice and scratch free) to give good air seal. also worth ensuring the back face of the o-ring track is clean too (that's the side it's sealing on when firing)


the ptfe tape around the cylinder head is one of the methods of fixing/improving air seal, can be effective if done right although it's a bodge to get around having a good o-ring-cylinder seal in the first place.


if you have a look in the guide i linked there's some pics show how to check the air seal.



as for the mosfet, looks like it, not familiar with the brand but looks like a generic one, good if it works will save arcing on the trigger contacts.

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all the information has been really helpful. I’ve taken everything apart and cleaned and relubed it and I feel comfortable doing it again. I have one issue and it’s when I do put the pistol grip. If I do it up so the screw is secured the motor locks up. This might not be the motor but the gun does seize up. 

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So to get a better seal I put some molly grease in the cylinder and around the piston o ring. I’m getting a consistent 290fps. I’d like it to be a bit higher. The compression felt good when I applied the grease. I wasn’t comfortable skirmishing with 215fps but maybe I might give this gun a game Sunday. 

does anyone have any ideas what to do next? Maybe a new hop up bucking?


thank you guys. I wouldn’t be at this stage without you. I’ve learnt a lot about my gun now and I feel a lot more confident 


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