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Weapon Upgrades for Range

George Bates
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I am looking to start using heavier bbs to try and get a bit more range. As I understand, the AEG limit of 350 fps is with 0.2s and snipers the same at 450-500fps.


I want to get as much range on my sniper as possible as I often come up against someone who out ranges me. 


Is it just a case of using heavier bbs with a tight barrel and good hop?? 

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4 minutes ago, George Bates said:

Is it just a case of using heavier bbs with a tight barrel and good hop?? 


pretty much


good quality heavier bb's, good quality barrel (quality>nominal bore size), good hop, and as close to perfect air seal as you can get.


whilst fps/energy isnt everything, if you're a significant chunk under your respective limit then you're gonna want to bump it closer.

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Exactly what hamster said.

For your sniper, first you need consistency. If you are putting out different powers on every shot, you aren't going to hit anything.

All airsoft works in the same way, but I will direct this at snipers. 

Upgraded Hop and Rubber to hop heavier, using less pressure, more evenly. - Good
Heavier piston to induce creep and reduce the spring strength required - Good but not the most essential 

All seals, checked, replaced and ptfe'd as required. Then lubed. - Good

I am from the wide bore barrel fan club, I have never had a good experience with TN's. I find although they up the power, they reduce accuracy. So for my snipers, i always stick with the stock barrel but then I have always used TM and their stock barrels are awesome. ( Not in truth tried the new fancy barrels with the weird ported jet ends but cannot see a huge difference )

One you have sorted that, you will have a top tier sniper and the only thing out ranging you, will be hot guns and people who have mastered holdover.

I use 0.45 and my Gspec on 0.2's kicks out about 460fps. With creep, this puts my 0.45 bbs at exactly the joule limit for most sites sites. 

Goes for a very long way and is very very consistent. Never measured but I shall next week if i get chance. 




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^ dis.


Sort the compression, good barrel (doesn't have to be fancy nor expensive, it needs to be STRAIGHT and have a good internal finish) and good hop. Tight bore vs wide bore is an eternal debate, I'd keep it to 6.05/6.08 internal diametre so that you have a good compromise between efficiency and reduced chances of the bb bouncing inside.


Assuming you're talking about your VSR and if you haven't already, get a TDC.

It vastly improves hop consistency, applying direct pressure on the tensioner, rather than having leverages that can flex. The flexing is minimal but you want to remove as many variables as possible that can mess up your shot.


Energy output isn't everything to be fair, the difference between a 2J gun and a 2.25J gun is negligible so even if you're not bang on the limit it's not too big of a deal.


Also, most important thing: use good bbs. They are expensive, but with a bolt action it's not like you're dumping thousands per day.


After that, every improvement has to be done from the shooter's side ;) don't blame the gun if you can't hit shit :D

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