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Maybe I'm Retarded, but Somehow [Img] Links Don't Work Anymore :

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As per title,

I upload pictures via Imgur and the link they provide for forum boards [img]inserturlhere[/img] doesn't work anymore -.-


Am I retarded? or is there something wrong?

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simple copy/paste shit is always an option

(right click pic, copy it straight over)


or use "direct link" instead and this forum should work its magic...




what i copy/pasted from imgur...




a pic of a 12 toothed bevel gear btw

& I just copied the bit saying:



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4 minutes ago, MiK said:

@Skara have you hit the max limit ?

Nop, I'm not using the forum attachments anymore.


also @Sitting Duck I've been using the BBCode option for ages and it has always worked, until now -.-

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If its just imgur images then it might be the same issue I had a few years ago. 


I(my gaming community) had something similar where imgur images stopped working because they thought we was using them as a host for website's images. (due to the amount of bandwidth they were seeing coming from our domain) 


One email to their support and they vetted the site and determined that its a community site and its community members posting their own images and was added to a whitelist. 


Not had a problem since. 

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