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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
  On 28/04/2020 at 12:55, Vinnyc619 said:

Hey guys I'm really interested in airsoft the whole thing sounds really fun and was wondering if anyone knows where I should start.



Welcome to the forum!


There's a shitload of information on this forum, check the stickied threads for guides and question/answer threads.


Sounds like you haven't been to a game yet so I'd honestly just recommend going to a game when sites open back up! Most sites will offer rental equipment, everything you need - gun, ammo, magazine, battery, eye protection. If you enjoy the day - I'm sure you will - then you just need to attend two more games (over a period greater than 2 months) to qualify for the UKARA scheme, which provides a valid defense which shops accept so you can buy your first RIFs (guns).


Make sure to chat to people in the safe zone inbetween games, most people will be happy to talk to you about their guns, gear etc, maybe let you hold their RIF to get a feel for the weight or sights.


If you don't want to wait to get onto UKARA you can purchase two-tone weapons (half the gun will be a bright colour, red/green/blue/etc.) as long as you're over 18.

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@Vinnyc619 πŸ‘‹

@DrAlexanderTobacco is right with everything above! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Have you been at all!?.... πŸ€”


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Unfortunately not the best time to get into it but...


You should start by reading lots of posts in this forum.

Probably all your questions have already been answered.

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Start by reading the pinned (sticky) posts in each section.  First one to read:


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Buy at least Β£2k worth of gear, then come back and ask about upgrades before you've even taken delivery of your guns.


I jest of course. As above, check where your nearest site is and keep and eye on their Facebook page for events when this is all over. If you're determined to be as prepared as possible, a sturdy pair of boots with good ankle support and perhaps some decent full seal eye protection and lower face mesh will be all you'd need for your first few games. 


Don't buy a gun yet, by all means have a look at what you like aesthetically speaking but you'll never really know what suits you, until you start playing and can get a long to a shop to actually hold some.

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