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Recruit from Windsor reporting for duty!

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Hi Guys,


I'm new to the UK airsoft community (and new-ish to airsoft) so I thought I'd join here.

I was looking into starting airsoft in The Netherlands, where I'm from, (different regulations than in the UK) but while I was getting all the paperwork I suddenly got a job offer I couldn't refuse in the UK, so here I am (INB4 Brexit). slightly annoyed by the UKARA rules of 3 games in 2 months before I can buy an RIF, but hey.


Over the past 2 years I had a summer/weekend job at a paintball and airsoft field (roughly 50X50M fields) as a ref/instructor so I knew the game already. When my colleagues once took me to a big field I was hooked, that looked way more fun than the speedsoft (and speedball) I usually ref, only replica's I've ever played with are the JG star Dragon (yeah, those) as those were the only ones allowed at the field.


I'd love to know if anyone has any tips for fields in my area (I went to Absolute airsoft a couple of weeks ago, but from what I gather a lot of people are conflicted about this field (myself included, for real: no chrono at the start of the day?) so if anyone knows any other fields please let me know.


If anyone has any tips for brands to go for (or avoid) please let me know, I'm thinking of just going for the bog-standard M4 as a beginner rifle and then just start spending way too much money on it from there.


Cheers (wait, can I say that as a foreigner?)

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@Smiling-Dutchman Welcome to the UKAF! 👋

I use to go to Absolute Airsoft, for a while before leaving for a better site, so fair play on your choice! (Wish I had left earlier, but was new to the game and didn’t want to travel too far and could of saved my fair share of 💷, did get myself some fun memories though!)


”A close neighbour” in a way.... 

There’s a number of sites near you, check on the web:

Gunman, Eversley (My opinion, not a bad site/ can be limiting, but has its moments of fun!) 

I can highly recommend Red Alert, if you are up for the drive? (My local site)


Good luck finding a local site and getting your gear! 🔫👍

Cheers! 😂



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Red alert looks cool, but it's a whole 6 minutes (!!) longer drive than absolute airsoft, so I'll have to think about it.

no, looks like a cool site, especially the unlimited bb's in the rentals pack, although I might check out Skirmish Wycombe as well, slightly closer to my place.

You might see me there eventually tho, I'm wanting to check out multiple sites anyway.


thanks for the welcome

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Like I said check out the sites, setup HQ and get your UKARA and gear sorted! 🔫

Then ready venture out on to new sites.... 6 mins well worth it!!! 😂

Might check out the site you mentioned? 🤔👍 

No problem! 😎


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Welcome DuchDude ;)

I started at Absolute as well.  Got my first UKARA registration there.  I didn't find it that bad but it may have gotten worse since I was there last.  Most of my friends don't want to go there anymore.


So Wycombe and Red Alert are now my regulars.

Both are good sites.  Both £25 (own gear) including a decent lunch.  Wycombe has more interesting terrain as its got some hilly bits in the forest and some nice wood barricades/structures.

Was at Red just last Sat and good fun. Well run.  A bit more open (less trees) and not as much cover.  Some inventive game modes like 'Support the 4x4'.


I've thought of going to Gunman Eversley but not got around to it yet.  I heard that its longer games which could be a nice change but have to pack lots of ammo or be really accurate with the shots ;)


I'll be going to Wycombe again in Feb so if you want I'll PM anyone interested in going.

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Thanks for the reply. 

I think I'll take you up on your offer at wycombe, bit closer to home for me. If time allows it I might go the 1st or 2nd week of february. (It's only Sundays there right?)


I quite like the sound of the 3rd site you mentioned. I prefer longer games, even if it means bringing more mags.

The field I went to a couple of times in The Netherlands basically did one continuous game throughout the day with a big mission and many smaller missions, I quite liked that because you don't spend much time outside of the game (save for the hour of lunch when the game is paused)

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You also have reforger just off junction 20 of the M25 so only about 30-40 min drive from Windsor or a little further you have Sentinel the Outpost near Dunstable. 

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I have to say your grasp of the English language far eclipses most of the victims of Mack's. 


I would personally buy something decent to begin with, fondle as much gear as possible and see what takes your fancy. 

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  On 28/01/2020 at 12:37, Cromulon1994 said:

I have to say your grasp of the English language far eclipses most of the victims of Mack's. 



I've studied in the US for 4 months a couple of years ago, 2 years in the UK and always had a couole of friends in the Netherlands who were more comfrotable speaking English than Dutch so I've learned quite quickly.


I'm currently thinking of just buying an M4 (probably gonna be a G&G one) and just starting from there, I've got most of the other stuff (webbing/pouches/clothes/boots) already, mostly ex-army stuff so I only need the RIF, jist gotta wait for that UKARA number, but then again, using a rental means I don't have to worry about it not working or whatever, that's their problem.

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