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Which regulator?

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I need a new regulator, as mine is deceased (and I didn't like it that much either - it was a balystik)
I need something that works well for quick single shots - but I don't know what to look for.

I've been using @rocketdogbert's redline reg, as he kindly lent it to me, but they don't seem to be in stock anywhere.

So - what should I get?
Any help would be much appreciated.


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Its an interesting question, i also run a balystik and while it's definately passable i cant help but feel there's better out there. Tbh i was leaning more towards polarstar's mrs on the basis they of all people should understand the need for quick refresh rates.


But i'm interested to hear what folks views are.

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On 10/01/2020 at 19:26, Adolf Hamster said:

Tbh i was leaning more towards polarstar's mrs on the basis they of all people should understand the need for quick refresh rates.


I don't think Polarstar will be too pleased you're making moves on his missus 🤣


On a more serious note, if you can go after the Redline SFR if you can get one, worst case scenario will be importing one from the US, check out Amp[ed airsoft as they are the go to HPA specialists.


I will say one thing about Redline, great customer service even when its like 5am US time they got back to me and sent me a replacement part free of charge.


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I use balystik, seems to be the average choice for most.

I get about 2280RPM (38RPS) and run around 110PSI on my support loadout, pressure between shots ducks down to a low of 90PSI, it's very consistent and I've had it for over a year now with absolutely 0 issues. 

Only quibble is the fact that the gen I use requires a seperate key to adjust the PSI on the reg, most new / high tier regs have turnable dials.

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