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Silverback SRS opinions

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Well, my brother had one go with one and sold his £600 85m+ SSG40 within a week to get his own...

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Forgive the ramble, but I hope at least some of it is useful. Also, a lot of it's just my opinion, so ymmv.

Firstly the model you get depends on how much money you have available.
If you have unlimited funds, buy whichever you like the look of most.
If your funds are more limited, buy the 20" sport (the barrels are interchangeable so you can change the length if you want later).
The differences between the Sport and the rest of the range are:
No monopod
No adjustable trigger
Uses barrel spacers as opposed to fitted barrel.
If these are worth the extra £130 minimum to you, then get one of the other models.
If you'd rather save it so that you can put some extra goodies into your SRS, then get the Sport.
One advantage of the Sport is that the DTSS Suppressor screws straight on to the outer barrel, unlike with all the other models.

The SRS is one of the best built rifles I have had the pleasure to use. It feels just like the real thing (which I had the opportunity to get my mitts on last year). It makes me smile every time I open the case. I can't say that about every rifle I own.

I couldn't get on with the standard hop unit at all. Others prefer it. So it very much depends on you.
I prefer the simple set up of the FAST hop - one rotary dial from 0-10.
I've been through quite a few different iterations internally, but have settled on this as my final set up:
ML Crazy Jet barrel.
FAST hop chamber
Autobot bucking
FOW nub 
WASP piston
m150 spring
This set up reliably hits a torso at 90m. I tested this with a team mate and laser range finder. I was the target and he shot me in the arse.
First time I've ever been happy getting shot in the arse. 😂

Bad things (and I'm really having to reach, as I love this rifle way too much for reason):
It's heavy compared to a VSR
It's a bullpup (not everyone likes them, so make sure you get hands on and that you get on with the ergonomics)
32 round mags
the 3d printed mag cases, whilst making things lighter fit like shit
Pursuit of upgrades will make you poor

But that's pretty much it.
If you have any specific questions, give me a shout and I'd be happy to answer as well as I'm able.


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