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M4 front triangle sight removal.......replacement?!

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Evening, being very new to airsoft, I’ve recently bought a specna arms SA-C02 aeg. It’s great fun to use but I’d like to remove the carry handle rear and triangle fore sight (which is easy enough). But what is available on the uk market to replace the front sight as it’s only the front sling holding the front rail on? I’ve seen advertised a small railed Imitation gas block. I presume I can replace the foresight with this?


Any help would be gratefully received. 

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Aaaannnnddd yet another item added to my watch list.


This place costs me a flaming fortune! 🙄

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Me, I'd just hacksaw the sight off and leave the rear ring and sling mount in place.  But then I'm ghetto like that.


Id personally buy a gun I like the look is the first place instead of bastardising it! 😂

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9 minutes ago, E21A said:


Id personally buy a gun I like the look is the first place instead of bastardising it! 😂


But the SA-C02 is soooo cheap. :P


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