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Upgrading a Cybergun (KWC) GBB (P226 X5)?

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This is the exact one I have; https://shop.ehobbyasia.com/cybergun-sig-sauer-p226-x-five-co2-silver-by-kwc.html






It's not a Tokyo Marui so there's little if none actual custom replacement parts I can find for it, but I was wondering if anyone familiar with working on guns like this whether some parts for other guns would fit, even with a bit of modifying? for example what if I could find a barrel the same length as the stock one but supposedly better made etc, but the area where it fits needs a bit of dremel work or something, any other ideas like that? Or even anything specific like yeah get X, Y, Z.


I might as well ask about my SCAR-H rather than make a new topic while I'm at it. It's the Cybergun also, I've already got a Madbull 6.03 Tightbore Barrel 285mm Black Python II for it, and a replacement hopup unit; CNC Hopup Chamber SV SCAR-L/H - MX-HOP007SV - I want to stay within playing field limits of course but I would like to upgrade/improve as much as possible on it, I'm talking like, gears, motor, best mosfet for it? should I convert it to lipo, etc? No budget on this.


Thanks in advance,


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Yes that seems to be the casual response but like I say I am looking for help with upgrading it with other parts and even modifying them to fit etc.

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some things I've found;






































note that a lot of these are for my sig/kwc 1911 (4.5/6mm versions) but just a place to start.

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15 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

it wont be easy, to the point it's be as worth considering getting a more marui freindly platform to work on.

That's the conclusion I came to researching upgrading it, but I couldn't find a TM gun that looks the same.

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1 hour ago, paradoxum said:

That's the conclusion I came to researching upgrading it, but I couldn't find a TM gun that looks the same.


nothing from WE?


WE might not be the best manufacturer in the world, but you should have a bit of an easier time getting hold of parts.

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14 hours ago, emilianoksa said:

It's better than KWC.

If you can find anywhere selling one let me know, I spent 2 hours last night looking around and comparing replacement parts for the TM / other X-Fives and seeing if they might fit, for examle a new inner barrel might a bit of dremeling to fit, or it might just be the same shape etc.


If you put a weaker spring in, the blowback is not as good but it will use less gas right? I'm sure I can find replacement springs for it from places like http://www.ea-airsoft.com/html/pdtlstgam-airsoft-part.php

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