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Gate ASTER safety announcement

Airsoft Anonymous Ltd
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Gate have made the following announcement for any ASTER users:


"Important safety firmware update for ASTER is now available. Please check if your ASTER’s firmware is safe: my.gatee.eu/verify.


If not, perform the firmware update before using your AEG next time. The new firmware provides protection against strong electromagnetic interferences generated by PMR transmitters exceeding European standards. The interferences may cause your replica to fire accidentally when not in Safe mode. The firmware update brings protection from this risk.


If you don’t have USB-Link, you can:

- purchase USB-Link in our online store 50% off with free shipping and free 14 days return: https://gatee.eu/usb-link-action
- contact your retailer to ask if they participate in the service action, thanks to which you can send, update and receive your ASTER back for free


GCS beta version for PC and MAC supporting ASTER will be released on September 18. Apart from performing the update, we encourage you to give us feedback on the new app version.


Please ask your friends using ASTER to verify if their device firmware is safe and inform them about the risk.


If you encounter any problems, contact us at: [email protected]. We are sorry for the inconvenience."


Original Facebook post - Gate ASTER safety announcement

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Imagine the safety briefings.


Marshal: [ON RADIO] OK, I'm starting the briefing n-




Marshal: [ON RADIO] Some joker's shooting during the briefing!




Marshal: [ON RADIO] Everyone get down here, we've got a nutter on site.



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I had this problem with my aster (amongst several others) and I don't recal being near any 'PMR transmitters exceeding European standards' I was in my spare room at home 😂🏡 all though a firmware update did fix it, when did they post this? My ghost firing problem was 2 weeks ago. 

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