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masada 'AKR'

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I was but I changed my mind, I'm gonna go down the gbbr route instead- shame Muzzy has gone :(



Although, I'm sure pts said they will release a drop-in gbb kit for the masada at some point.... now that I want to see

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I'm starting to want one of these :o .....


Mags are actually £5 cheaper than standard pmags, and I found something

interesting on patrolbase: apparantly it has a faster trigger response than the

standard masada!?!, how? A new type of microswicth or something? I'd have thought

that they'd be the same internally!?!

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Mags are actually £5 cheaper than standard pmags, and I found something

interesting on patrolbase: apparantly it has a faster trigger response than the

standard masada!?!, how? A new type of microswicth or something? I'd have thought

that they'd be the same internally!?!


The mags are £5 cheaper, hold 40 more rounds (160) and still fit in most M4 pouches


The trigger response is indeed quicker, small tweaks inside did something to it, I know I prefer the AKM performance to the M4 style.


The gun itself looks better


You, good sir, are paying my wage by browsing that website :D




also, patrolbase are having our magpul AKM launch day tomorrow, anyone near huddersfield come along between 10 and 3 for the raffle. Top prize AKM!


also, on PB's facebook, please vote to say that us staff members can do the raffle too :D

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The mags are £5 cheaper, hold 40 more rounds (160) and still fit in most M4 pouches


The trigger response is indeed quicker, small tweaks inside did something to it, I know I prefer the AKM performance to the M4 style.


You, good sir, are paying my wage by browsing that website :D

also, on PB's facebook, please vote to say that us staff members can do the raffle too :D


I can't believe I'm saying/thinking this but I'm even tempted over the EBR....


Paying your wages, lol it's the first time I've ever been on the website lol, but seems better than others...

(cough, Z1 cough)


Voting now :P

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Why Are Magpul Liked So Much You Might Aswell Just Get A A&K Masada, Exactly The Same And I Think Trademarks, Just Paying For The Name, For £400-£500 You Could Have A Great M4 Or Anything And Then A Sniper, Like A Warrior. Personally Overpriced and Overused. And The AKM Looks The Same, Just Being Able To Use Old Magpul Mags Which The AKM Ones Are.



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The AKM mags are brand new......

Why would I want the Magpul over an A&K?- quality, the A&K will neveer be as good

I dont like magpul either but even I like the AKM

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The AKM isn't the same at all.

plus, they are CONSIDERABLY better quality than anything A&K could do (and A&K are not that bad, really)


I would assume you have never fondled a MASADA at all? they feel awesome, shoot awesome and are generally awesome.


I would however agree that they are overused, IMHO far too many people who have them have 'all the gear and no idea' - to the extent that I was outgunning several masada owners with an (at least) 4th hand DE M56 shotty. and not 'outgunning' in the holding them off for a few minutes untill reinforcements arriveed style, I was completely bum-raeping them with it.

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