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This cheap zero trigger or upgrade stock 45deg

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Hello all, well my vsr clone is not working correctly, the sear is worn on the top edge allowing it to slip when pulling bolt, slam fire


Budget build, so 100 plus trigger is out of the question 😣


I've seen this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132834906623


Anyone ever tried them ? I see no safety switch tho 😕

I have a 45 deg AA piston which I can turn to make into 90deg 😋

or do I get a better quality sear for the current setup ?


just making some better guide rings for the cylinder so it doesn't get pushed up off the sear...


any ideas would be great



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Proprietary Piston End included to work with special sear geometry
Detachable piston required for installation (not compatible with orignal piston)


Run for the hills.


If you already have an OK trigger then I’d be tempted to go for the sears however even then aftermarket compatibility may be a problem. They’re a fairly important part and quite small so although it’s a budget build it’s worth getting right.

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7 hours ago, Steveocee said:


Run for the hills.


If you already have an OK trigger then I’d be tempted to go for the sears however even then aftermarket compatibility may be a problem. They’re a fairly important part and quite small so although it’s a budget build it’s worth getting right.



Ok I did think that would be a little too cheap ha, the pull and the trigger I was more than happy with,


I think it's the age of the sear/rifle that the sear lost its edge, combined with the movement from the cylinder on the guide rings allowing it to slam fire,


I think new sear for now



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I have a JJ Airsoft hopup in one of mine rifles. It's good for its price.

90 degree trigger units usually don't have safety.

By the look of it, it just needs a 90 degree piston and you said, you have that. I'd go for it. The 45 degree system is good for the original 300-350 fps, but nothing more.

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