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Most Glorious WE makarov

Adolf Hamster

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Chrono'd mine - its only hitting 300 with the extension on .2s

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1 hour ago, EvilMonkee said:

Chrono'd mine - its only hitting 300 with the extension on .2s


Really? From what i've heard that should be closer to 450, more if your using heavier ammo

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  • 2 months later...
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25 minutes ago, John_W said:

I love the Makarov. Added aftermarket grips for it to make it look more like a single stack.



ooh that's nice, where'd you get em? loving the weathering on that slide, never bothered weathering myself normally just let it happen naturally.


i suppose a bit of an update to this thread is i do wish there was an aftermarket nozzle, blasting heavy ammo out of mine has bulged the cylinder and dropped her to 0.75j which takes a lot of hop tweakery to keep a .48 flying (although hilarious that it still outranges a lot of the rifles it has to deal with)

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4 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

WE do add on grips try kyairsoft.  Mine just came like that one 


will have a look, although ironically i'm warming up to the black grips, guess i'm too used to them now.

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5 minutes ago, John_W said:

The black grips are very ergonomic and comfortable. I got the grips from KY more for the look.


yeah, i've got one of the kwc blowback ones with that style of grip and for sure it's not as comfortable.


of course for all the times i use a pistol it doesn't matter too much, mostly it's just for a bit of fun when entering buildings and/or when my rifle runs dry.

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If I want serious accuracy, I go for my tuned Mk23 or my Marui 1911. 

I wish WE would do a Beretta 1934 so I could complete my Bond collection.

The weathering was done with very fine grade micromesh, were it didn't take the finish off, it gave it a shine. Too often people weather with heavy grade sandpaper in inappropriate places and it looks awful and overdone.

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12 minutes ago, John_W said:

If I want serious accuracy, I go for my tuned Mk23 or my Marui 1911. 

I wish WE would do a Beretta 1934 so I could complete my Bond collection.

The weathering was done with very fine grade micromesh, were it didn't take the finish off, it gave it a shine. Too often people weather with heavy grade sandpaper in inappropriate places and it looks awful and overdone.


for sure my hicapa definately wins when it comes to range/accuracy, but there's something so satisfying about pinging people at long range with such a tiny gun :P


might have to look into the weathering, normally i let these things go naturally but it's not really fading to the same effect.

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As I do mainly historical airsoft the Makarov is more a holster filler, though now that I am transitioning to a GBBR AK with 40rd mags I may need to use it more often....hmm might need another mag for it.......


One problem that I had with mine to be aware of was the pin holding the trigger guard in came out.  Luckily I found it and loctite solved the issue.

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  • 4 months later...
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winter update:


so i've been running this for a while now and there's a few notes.


first off i think i've cracked the combo for this, 75mm pdi 6.01 stainless barrel, maple leaf autobot 50°, I-Key, assembled properly the accuracy is stupendous on geoff's .32's to the point where every missed shot has you thinking "i should really get better at aiming pistols". with an aeg hop rubber cut to make a spacer you can go to .48's but if you do that nozzles become a consumable part. if you space your shots well it's on a par with my hicapa and better than most of my rifles.


however cold winter performance is definately lacking, if you keep your shots spaced out she's ok but this is not a gun to be mag dumping in the winter, the price of tiny magazines and we's notorious hatred of cold weather.


i did pick up a kwc makarov and by comparison i think i definately prefer the we offering.

out of the box the kwc's fps is a bit spicy, fortunately i got mine off here and the seller kindly downgraded it to make it kosher for our flat 1j limit.

blowback is as snappy as i've met in any gun (co2 of course) and unlike the we you won't be playing the "when will the mag vent" game when rapid firing in the cold.

accuracy is ok stock, it'll lift .32's and for most players it'll do the job, although sadly kwc's internals are going to make repairs/upgrades a pipe dream, i did have to do a little fettling to get the hop set straight but in it's defence its rare to meet a gun that doesnt.

the main downsides are the externals aren't as nice as we's, for example it's a bit tight in my holster (whereas the we fits perfectly) and the big one is it's single action only, not a big deal practically speaking but i do preferr the we's proper single/double setup with the decocker/safety combo.

as a winter gun it's definately a decent choice, but if it's warm enough to run the we i'll almost always take it instead.

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  • 3 months later...

Necro time.


My WE Makarov imploded into pieces using Black Gas this weekend.  Now, I dont think anything is broken, I think the pin holding the trigger unit came loose, trouble is I now have no idea how it all goes back together.  I think I have most of it but am not in the situation where the trigger bar isn't sitting high enough in the receiver to catch the sear properly to pull the trigger. I have to push the bar up for it to actually shoot or hold the gun upside down.  @Adolf Hamster any ideas mate?  I also can't ge thte fooking pin out for the hop housing at all......

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17 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Necro time.


My WE Makarov imploded into pieces using Black Gas this weekend.  Now, I dont think anything is broken, I think the pin holding the trigger unit came loose, trouble is I now have no idea how it all goes back together.  I think I have most of it but am not in the situation where the trigger bar isn't sitting high enough in the receiver to catch the sear properly to pull the trigger. I have to push the bar up for it to actually shoot or hold the gun upside down.  @Adolf Hamster any ideas mate?  I also can't ge thte fooking pin out for the hop housing at all......


got any pics?


i do find that the barrel assembly won't come off until you drop the hammer- the cocked position of the trigger interferes with it, so if i'm reading you right maybe that's what's jamming it?


the trigger unit is a bit of a pain to work with, kind of hard to describe, but i can pull mine apart as a reference if you need it.

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I did take some video but its too long to upload.  1st pic wont fire, second pic the bar is up far enough to fire but once you pull trigger again it wont work



Trimmed it down

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Thanks, maybe I did lose something afterall - part 28 I am guessing?



EDIT - And just found the little sod on the carpet - lucky!  Helps to know you are missing a piece thanks Ed.  Now any help on getting it all back together?

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i see you've beaten me to the punch here.


getting it together is a bit of a pain, a bit of a tip is don't worry about getting the slide catch in with the trigger unit, with a bit of twiddling you can get it in afterwards.


that spring (28) is a pain, but there is a groove in the bottom of the trigger bar that it sits in quite nicely once you've got it in there.


apart from that all i remember from my last dissassembly is a lot of swearing :P



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Going to see if I can gt the pin out for the hop unit before reassembling it - change out the hop rubber and barrel whilst its in bits


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Got part 28 in easy. Not sure about the other side.  Is this the right setup?




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That looks about right (edit) scratch that it should be down at the front, the arm is part of the decocking mechanism, if you push it it should move the striker up out of line with the mag.


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MIne looks like yours.....hmmm


Still cant get the ruddy front pin out....

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42 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

MIne looks like yours.....hmmm


Still cant get the ruddy front pin out....


Are you pushing from the right or left side? It should be pushed from the left.


Mine was pretty damn stiff when it was new, but as is the nature of pins it wears looser pretty damn quickly if you tinker with the hop as much as i do.

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