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Linear v non linear springs

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I know this makes a difference to AEG’s by causing less strain on gears at the start of the compression but my question is, does it make any difference to BASR? Other than the bolt pull perhaps? 

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I recently switched to a non linear spring in my striker, only because it's the only one I know the rating of, out of all the springs I have at home.

It made pulling the bolt really smooth and easy, opposed to the stock linear spring..

I have to say the linear one is much harder (130 probably vs a guarder sp100)

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I can't say I have any technically backing but my general feeling on this would be that given there are no gears to wear and that the force is solely driven by the smooth forward motion of your piston, a linear spring would likely be better?

Having a quick look through some of the VSR springs I've used they look to be slightly tighter wound at one end than the other and only one has a few tighter coils in the middle.

I guess as long as it delivers the correct force at the end of it's travel the linearity shouldn't make that much of a difference?

My current spring is an Action Army M150 and it is linear and I am very happy with it.


**I did caveat that with I have no technical reasoning though and would welcome some reading up on it if I'm way out.

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