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what type of gas should I ues

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There are so many different types of gas brands and version, (green, red Black ect) I have read conflicting stores about using certain gas at certain times of the year or some gas can cause damage and issues if you use it to much, so any help would be great.




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Depends on the gun. TM pistols usually have plastic slides and are best run on 'green' gas and should be fine even in colder weather. Red gas can be too strong and cause damage on plastic slides. I run me WE guns , 2 pistols with metal slides and 2 rifles , on 'red' all year round . Its stronger than green and suffers less at low temps. It gives a nice kick though and moves the heavier slides with no problems. Black is stronger again but ive never needed to use it , maybe in a Scottish winter ?


I use Nuprol gasses , but people tend to have their favourites. 


You can also use propane , which is what green gas is, and I do on occasion if I am using the guns a lot in a day as it works out a bit cheaper in the long run. More knowledgeable folk than me can tell you more about propane use if you decide to try it. 

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Propane in everything. If it’s super cold I run MAPP gas in my GBBR’s 

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  On 16/01/2019 at 22:11, Wo1f said:

Propane in everything.



Winner winner chicken dinner!


To the OP, you can use a digital tyre pressure gauge (£5 halfords jobby) along with one of the adapters off the top of a lighter gas can to measure the pressure of whatever airsoft gas you are using, if it's 90psi @ 15c / 105psi @20c it's unscented propane anyway.


Red gas used to be freon 22 in the good old days, which is 130psi @ 20psi but i'm fairly sure freon is illegal nowadays.

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  On 18/01/2019 at 10:01, superwok said:

So would you recommend  Propane  or red gas ?



Whichever works best at the time of year you're using them. They're hardly expensive at 8 quid a can so buy both and experiment. Airsoft guns break no matter what gas you use them on as they're ALL built down to a price. I would just avoid guarder power up at anything but the very coldest times of year as it's 200+ psi at 20c (essentially DOUBLE the pressure these guns are designed for!)

  On 16/01/2019 at 16:26, superwok said:

many different types of gas brands and version



They're largely all the same* with different labels & marketing, just because they have the word 'xtreme' or 'power' in the title doesn't mean they are better,  they're mostly either propane, or propane buffered with ethane to increase the pressure. Pressure is what counts, hence my comment about measuring the pressure.


*Excluding the jap spec 134a substitutes.

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