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BBs won’t feed

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My bbs won’t feed. I want to use a 11.1v LiPo but the gun seems to be cycling to fast and the nozzle doesn’t go back far enough (I can see the nozzle not going back enough) . The gun shoots just fine with a 9.6v Ni-MH. Also the piston stops in different positions anfter each cycle with the 11.1v lipo, it is not consistent. Can you tell me what can a do to be able to use de 11.1 Lipo?
Can changing the gear ratio help? Or using a harder spring ?

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Delayer chip, needs to be installed on the sector gear, it'll make the nozzle retreat earlier than the piston, making sure the bb is chambered before firing it.

Should solve your problem.


And a mosfet (an electronic trigger would be better, because it actually stops the gears in the same place every time, but it's more expensive than a regular fet) to avoid burning the contacts..

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Also I have another gun, a Classic Army premium sport line m4 AEG, using the exact same 11.1v Lipo with completely stock internals and without a mosfet and the gun shoots perfect .


internaly the only difference between the two guns that I can see is the style of tappet plates. 

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