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Battery size?

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Silly question I know but can anyone tell me what maximum physical size battery will fit in a stock tube (25 mm ID-ICS),I've never used them in a stock tube but looking to buy new and I want to use the largest MaH possible.Lipo 7.4...thanks.

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Does your tube house just a cable and battery connector or are there any fuses/fets in there too?


Only asking because they will make a difference to the space available.

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This is one of the reasons I like solid stocks so much.

You don't have to guess about battery sizes, If it doesn't go through the door you take the door off.

Component shop do list all battery dimensions, so you can gauge pretty well what will and won't fit with them. 

Provided you know the length and inside diameter, you can work the rest out.

These should be a snug fit, but measure twice and make sure you have accounted for wires/fet/fuse.


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