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Eyepro Recommendations

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Hi guys,

Looking to get some eyepro and was wondering what collective experience and wisdom is out there in forum land?


Some key points:

- I will be expecting to wear a FAST style helmet

- I will be expecting to wear a face shield (alla Nurpol wire mesh guard like THIS)

- I would prefer tinted lenses (not for aesthetics) - but this is not an absolute requirement.

- I would prefer to get goggles where possible. I am not 100% comfortable with non wrap around eyepro, nor eyepro without a good solid head strap .

- Views on which goggles have known issues with fogging or, conversely being really good at not fogging will be really useful as I always seem to 'fight the fog' even with glasses.


The goggles i am looking at are shown below. If you own/have owned one, or know someone that uses/used one or if you just have views more generally then I would really appreciate your comments and/or recommendations if you use something similar.


As you can probably tell, I am not that concerned about the price, I would rather (well) over egg the cake when it comes to eyepro.


- Wiley X Spear Goggles (c.£105),  LINK

- Wiley X Nerve Goggles (c.£90) LINK

Wiley X Sg-1 Goggles (c.£100) LINK

- Bolle X1000 Tactical Goggles (c.£70) LINK

- Bolle X800i Platinum Clear Military Safety Goggle (c.£50) LINK


As ever, many thanks in advance for any guidance offered :) 


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I quite like the Revision offerings and things like the Locusts.


Havent used/seen any of those your have linked. The ESS V12s get good write ups too.

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