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NVG mounts

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The genuine ones will be hard to come by as the new vertas helmet has the mount integrated into the helmet. 


If you mean the mounting bracket for the helmet ebay is your best bet. 


If you want the actual bracket to attach the monocle to the helmet then eBay again will be your friend. 


Or find a light fingered squadie or one who has left but they are pretty well accounted for when signing them out and in due to the system being useless if one part is missing. 


Worth adding that the us mounts are the same and work and I speak from personal experience of that. 

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Depends entirely what you're after, if you're after a helmet shroud then they're easily bought, Ops Core have a number of distributors in Europe that will sell you a VAS. If you're after a mounting arm they're a little harder to come by, but if you post on Night Vision Europe (Facebook group) asking then someone will likely have one spare.  Again though it depends what you're after, if you just want a USGI Rhino mount then there's millions of them out there, if you're after a Wilcox GSGM then you're gonna be waiting a while and spending a lot.  

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I went to reel steel places on facebook to source my j-arm & Norotos rhino mount. (Paid £80)  I was thinking about a reel steel shroud or helmet but my FMA Maritime Opscore helmet shroud is solid and the Rhino mount is secure and I have yanked & pulled on it..no way will my mount fall off.  (I use the helmet bungy cord to attach it to the nvg itself, just incase the nvg comes loose from the j-arm) 

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