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Apocalypse Airsoft Kent & Tier 1 info

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Hello fellow Airsofters!


The nice people from Tier 1 Military Simulations came to play last week and seemed to have a nice day out, so do take a peek at what they had to say...






For those of you interested in coming to play, the next Sunday shoot is on 15th May, for more info please see





Cheers !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Next year, when I get our uni airsoft society to take off, we may minibus it down to you guys, your site looks amazing.



Thanks, the positive comments from those who have seen the site makes the time and effort to build solid structures worth while :)


Where abouts are you based ?



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We're in Coventry and we're only just starting to get set up, but we're aiming to play one long-distance away game every term as a minimum, with one weekender per year and regular events closer to home and at our main "sponsor" site :)

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