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New indoor cqb site soon to open in Atherton, Greater Manchester

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I managed to hobble along today and the site is close to completion.


I first met the owner, Andy, some time ago when he was doing some marshalling at the Mill in Wigan.


It is called Level 2 Airsoft and there is some preliminary information on the web.  It occupies most of the second floor of the Victoria Mill in Atherton, upstairs from the Atherton Indoor Range for airguns.


It's very handy for me so I'm looking forward to the opening. Andy has lots of good ideas for games and is a nice bloke to deal with.


He was very kind and helpful to me when I went to the Mill. I was, as usual, the oldest one there.

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I've done a couple of games there now and would just like to say that I've found it to be a fantastic site with great staff.

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Played there the other day. Much better than the mill. Had a really good time for a cqb site. 

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